Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It’s through conversations that change happens, and we are transformed. Here’s why according to an article on the website of collaborative journeys:
  1. Conversations bring us together. And when we are together, we are much more comfortable with change – personal change, organization change, community change… We can handle anything, as long as we are together
  2. Conversations help us get from here to there. Conversations help us see what was, help us reflect on where we are now and what might be, and help us embody the new. As a mediator, conversation is the road to (dispute) resolution.
  3. Conversations help us build trust. And, when we trust the group we’re in, something special happens. We are freed to be ourselves, to act, knowing that if we falter, the group will pull us through. Count on it! We can even bridge communities and cultures, even those with generations of distrust.
  4. Through conversation we discover shared meaning, and when that meaning changes, we are changed.
  5. Conversations connect the family, organization, community… to more of itself, a sign of a healthy living system.

There are so many ways to have a conversation; face-to-face or online, small group or large group, over food, while watching a movie at someone’s home… The possibilities are endless.

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