Monday, October 31, 2011

You know you grew up in the 90s if: ...

I got this list on a email and thought I'd share it with you!

*You remember collecting and trading tazos.
*You can finish this [ice ice____ ]
*You remember watching Kiddeo, Pumpkin Patch and Zet.
*You remember 95 Rugby World Cup slammers.
*You had a favourite member from FIVE.
*You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday towatch cartoons.
*You remember reading Goosebumps (and being TERRIFIED!)
*You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes and juice bottles to school.
*You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence .. . NOT!
*When everything was settled by rock paper scissors.
*If you ever got Zoo Biscuits in your lunchbox.
*When we played Hide and Go seek until our legs got numb.
*If you used to listen to the radio all day long just to record your favouritesong.
*If you ever watched Full House or The Dinosaurs TV shows.
*If you ever had a Spice Girls Lollipop.
*If you remember Captain Planet. He's a Hero.
*You knew that Kimberly, the pink power ranger, and Tommy, the green powerranger, were meant to be together.
*If you ever read SweetValley.
*You always wanted to send in a tape to Americas Funniest Home Videos .
*If you had a crush on The Nanny or Mr Shefield.
*You remember watching Home Alone 1, 2 , and 3.
*If you remember those Where's Wally books.
*If you ever had Lucky Charm Sherbet.
*If you remember watching the Alladin.
*If you remember Holey Moleys.
*If you remember when every thing was "DA BOMB!"
*You remember Walkmans and Yo Yo's and Uno.
* If you had at least one Tamagotchi.
*If you ever did "Down By The Bumble Bushes".
* If you remember the theme tune to Gummi Bears.
*If you haven't always had a computer, and it was cool to have the internet.
*And Windows 95 was the best.
*If you know any Roxette songs.
*If you ever played Mario Brothers.
*If you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing the first timeyou heard a Britney Spears or N'SYNC song.
*If Pamela Anderson was a bombshell.
*You collected those Diaper Babies with nappies that changed pink for girls andblue for boys.
*Sesame Street was actually Sesame  Street and not Takalani Sesame.
*If you collected all the Trolls and My Little Pony or Puppy in my pocket toys.
*You owned a portable tape player.
*You know the Macarena.
*If you ever danced to Sexy Eyes. (ooh ooh eye eye sexy eyes, I wanna take youto paradise...)

Before Facebook . . .
Before the Internet & text messaging . . .
Before iPods . . .
Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX . . .
Before Spongebob . . .
When you still got one sheet of homework for the whole week.
When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs.
When we recorded stuff on VCRs.
When we called the radio station to request songs to hear off of our walkmans.

Way back... (Starting to feel old!!!)
Before we realized all this would eventually disappear.
Who would have thought you'd miss the 90's!!!!

Watch this space

I am very dedicated, hard working and always up for a challenge! I love working with people and have a great passion for doing creative things and coordinating events. I strive to be successful in everything I do and therefore I am always eager to help where I can to gain knowledge, experience and self-confidence in the diverse Public Relations industry. I like to be hands on, identifying problem situations and improving communication between stakeholders. To be able to use my PR skills and see a company rise above its competitors is a dream for me.

I am on my way to reach great heights, every day I learn and grow, bringing me one step closer to reaching my dreams. Watch this space people because here I come! Ready to take on the PR industry on another level!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It is up to you to have more highs than lows

Sometimes we are down surrounded by negative thoughts and feelings that we get depressed, no matter the reason every person has his highs and lows each day.
I have learned life is not tied with a bow, but it's still a gift to enjoy. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up for the challenges that the day brings.
One of the things we so often neglect is to get rid of anything that isn't useful to us, cluttering our homes and our lives. Beautiful or joyful - Burn the candles placed only for display, use the nice sheets in the back of the cupboard kept for some important guest that never shows, and wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special!!!
It comes down to - no one is in charge of your happiness but you. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer and live each day like its your last.
It’s through conversations that change happens, and we are transformed. Here’s why according to an article on the website of collaborative journeys:
  1. Conversations bring us together. And when we are together, we are much more comfortable with change – personal change, organization change, community change… We can handle anything, as long as we are together
  2. Conversations help us get from here to there. Conversations help us see what was, help us reflect on where we are now and what might be, and help us embody the new. As a mediator, conversation is the road to (dispute) resolution.
  3. Conversations help us build trust. And, when we trust the group we’re in, something special happens. We are freed to be ourselves, to act, knowing that if we falter, the group will pull us through. Count on it! We can even bridge communities and cultures, even those with generations of distrust.
  4. Through conversation we discover shared meaning, and when that meaning changes, we are changed.
  5. Conversations connect the family, organization, community… to more of itself, a sign of a healthy living system.

There are so many ways to have a conversation; face-to-face or online, small group or large group, over food, while watching a movie at someone’s home… The possibilities are endless.

Envy is a waste of time

How often do we talk of others as if they have the dream life? Whether it’s the celebrities or that friend with the biggest house and most expensive or fastest car? Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.  If we were all to throw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, I’m sure we would all grab our own back.

Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

My Bucket List, things to do before I die

1.     Travel to Italy

2.     Travel to Spain and dance the Salsa

3.     To summit Table mountain

4.     Stay in a Bungalow in Bora Bora

5.     Attend the Jones festival in Wales

6.     Travel Thailand

7.     Travel to Rhome

8.     Travel to Indie

9.     Go to the kanga caves

10.  To cuddle a Kuala bear

11.  Learn to rock climb

12.  To pat a Panda bear

13.  Have a beer at Oktoberfest (Munich, Germany)

14.  Walk to the top of the Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)

15.  To walk in the footsteps of Jesus in Israel

16.  See a bear in real life

17.  Ride on a elephant

18.  To swim with dolphins

19.  To live on a yacht for a year

20.  To catch a snoek

21.  Sell a house for a profit

22.  To learn to speak IsiXhosa

23.  Throw a coin in the wish pond in Rhome

24.  Go shopping in Dubai

25.  Finish my Btech digree in Public Relations Management

26.  Summit Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

27.  Learn to Kitesurf

28.  Master the Salsa

29.  Open my own business

30.  Go Oranje river rafting

31.  To weight 58kg again

32.  To win a 15km race

33.  Finish a marathon race

34.  Drink a beer in a Irish pub

35.  To stay a month in the forest amongst the gorillas.

36.  Buy my own house

37.  Travel for three months straight through South Africa

38.  Master the art of Photoshop Adobe

39.  Maintain a traveling blog

40.  Generate an income through my blog

41.  Stay at a five star game range for three days

42.  See the pyramids’ in Egypt

43.  See an ice bear in the Antarctica

44.  Work on a cruise ship

45.  Drive a Ferrari

46.   Reach 10,000 Followers on Twitter

47.  Create my own beverage and mass produce

48.  Take an international trip with my parents

49.  Get my own dog

50.  Fly a plane

51.  Whitewater rafter at Cherry Creek, California

52.  To grow my own vegetables

53.  Get a photograph I took published

54.  To try to win the lotto

55.  To braid my hair

56.  Star in a movie

57.  Learn to play the African drums

58.  Go to a Kailly Monague show

59.  Attend a swan lake ice skating musical play

60.  Take a grand tour through the Buchman palace

61.  Have a 3hour full body massage

62.  Learn to scubadive

63.  Scubadive in the caribean waters

64.  Lay on beach at Hawai

65.  Go to Disneyland

66.  Get married

67.  Visit Victoria Falls in Zambia Zimbabwe

68.  Give natural birth

69.  Attend a World Cup game purely for the atmosphere

70.  Raise children

71.  Be an aunt

72.  Give my children tertiary education

73.  Be a grandmother

74.  Set the record in the World genius book of records for doing nothing for the longest

75.  Find a cure for Cancer

76.  Invent a magic cream that makes pimples disappear

77.  Go backpacking through the Amazon

78.  To reach the age of 86 years old before I die

79.  Walk on the moon

80.  Take a trip in a submarine

81.  Give R10 000 back to the community for a good cause

82.  Start a Public Relations campaign to raise funds for needed causes to uplift a community

83.  Dive into a field of flowers in Namaqualand

84.  Ride a ostrich in Oudshoorn, South Africa

85.  Try Thai food

86.  Make my own Sushi

87.  Eat the spiciest food in Mexico

88.  Eat pasta and pizza in Italy

89.  Cut off all my hair

90.  Donate a organ

91.  Camp in the wilderness

92.  Serve water to a camel in the desert

93.  To roll in the mud

94.  To run naked in the Maldives

95.  Build a tree house

96.  To float in the dead sea in Israel

97.  Build a 2metre tall snowman

98.  Live life to the full every day until my last breath!

Always ask yourself in the case of a disaster- will this matter in five years?

Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Hate to me is such a strong word, I have grown to the age of 17 when I for the first time experienced the feeling and could for the first time use this word as an explanation to how I felt inside. I hated and I hated the feeling. It was a mixture of jealousy and disappointment and tears of sadness with just an extra hint of something that made it an unbearable feeling to hold onto. This was a situation where a best friend portrayed me and never having an opportunity to deal with portrayal; my body suddenly reacted in this state. I was shocked at this person I have become but soon realised this is all because I allow it to change me. I quickly learned the power of forgiveness and have never allowed myself to let the power of hatered take control of me. Everything did happen for the best in both our lives that was affected and we have a friendship bond that I believe will last forever.
 Forgive everyone everything. However good or bad a situation is, it will change and it’s most likely to change for the best.