Sunday, March 27, 2011

When was the last time you tried something new?

To try something new means to let go of that what you know and embrace change. Unfortunately our human instinct is to fear change and so we often resist trying something new.

I positively crave trying new things as I believe I am still young and want to open my mind to the unfamiliar. I also love a challenge and trying something new is like a new adventure for me!
Then we have those people that rather prefer the usual and to me there is nothing wrong with this, I do however feel they should consider trying something new every once in a while to prove to themselves that their fear for the unknown is not holding them back in life.

Each new thing you try will teach you a new experience, either good or bad; it is a great way of self-development. It forces you to step out of your comfort zone into the unfamiliar where we often feel unsafe. Do not be afraid of this fear but be afraid to have it cause you to miss out on life. It requires courage but the reward of trying something new opens up the possibility for you to enjoy something new.

All it takes is a small courageous step of dipping your toes in the unfamiliar waters and experience that small taste of a new adventure – our careers start like this and so we even meet our life partners and that same little step can have you discover a great love for something new that you might never had thought would capture your attention.

I lately tried ballroom dancing classes and absolutely enjoy every moment of it. From a new hobby to ordering something new on the restaurant menu, try to introduce something new into your life every now and then - it keeps you from becoming bored and force you to grow as a person.

We are what we do!

What we want to do is our choice, so what we then decide to do will define us. What we do communicates a perception, telling people who we are.

Of course, there comes moments when we are asked to do something that we might not fully agree with. Doing these things against our will or standing up for what we believe in will also define us as we choose our own boundaries.

We are defined not only by what we say and how we act but also by the people we associate ourselves with. We only have one name, this is our personal brand and we are all in control of the perception of that name/brand.
Each and every person, by their upbringing and belief system, has set out what they find acceptable to do in life and what they do not agree with. To me it always comes down to the power of choice. We hold the path of our lives in our own hands and although we cannot see the future to know where the path will lead us, we can choose the path to follow and change directions as we please.

It comes down to; We can be whoever we choose to be, we can become whatever we want to be, life holds no limits and we alone are in control of our choices.
I for one choose to work in a creative industry where each day holds its own challenges. I enjoy working with people and using communication to build a brand perception. I choose to be; friendly, enthusiastic, affectionate and considerate. I care for people and building relationships. I believe communication is the key to any relationship. What and how we communicate can determine who we are.
I love being a Public Relations Practitioner - PR is truly what I do and who I am. Every day I make the choice to be in this industry and I will make it over and over again.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Run like you mean it!

I recently took on the challenge to train for a 10km race. With my level of fitness at zero I had to start at the beginning. In the past three weeks my body has been pushed, punished and trained and has shown me the ability of the human body to adjust and improve its strength.
Most importantly, I realised the human body’s struggle to control our power of thought. Each new distance, speed or hill I had to take to created a battle of confidence within myself to prove to myself that I could positively do it!
Getting mentally focussed was and is still indeed the biggest struggle for me.
My first 5km race took the worst of me – after only one week of training my mind was so corrupted with negative thoughts and a lack of confidence in myself that each and every step I took was a mission in itself. I was mentally exhausted after that race. I realise the fact that I felt unprepared, unfit and underdressed from all the professional runners next to me played a huge role in my way of thought. I was doomed for failure. Despite giving myself an unnecessary hard time I still finished within 32 minutes, just as I knew I would, eventually.
I could have prepared myself more physically but if I am not mentally focussed I cannot physically perform to my best ability. I have since increased my training and gained confidence in my running. Each day I am getting closer to that 10km goal. A goal not only to complete the race but also to be able to do each step of the race with full physical and mental power!
I will take on my next 5km challenge on the 10th of April at the SPAR Women’s race in Bellville.  

We are afraid of the wrong things

I like to believe that we are in control of our own thoughts and feelings, and even though they might come and go as they please, we can to all extend attract them or keep them from our mind.
We can control our fear, despite the feelings of anxiety and agitation; it is up to us to not be doubtful. To fear is a choice, and with this said we actually choose to be afraid of the wrong things.
We fear danger, evil, pain and the unknown. Mostly we fear what people will think, disappointment and death.
These things are however uncontrollable to most extend. We cannot turn back time but we can try to correct on the mistakes we make, and live our lives in such a way that we are motivated, committed, positive and proud of each new project we take on - this in fact, gives us power to constantly improve ourselves as human beings.
Most fear develops internally from our mind, our way of thought based on beliefs, perceptions, knowledge and experience.
I believe we then neglect fear of the truth.
As we are in control of it, our fear tends to be selfish. We fear not enough for global warming or water pollution that could rob us from our water resource, our health and our survival. We do not fear the loss of a distinct species that our grandchildren might never see alive.
So do not be afraid of fear but be afraid to fear the wrong things. Rather try to think about those things we so often neglect to think about, but is so worth our fear.

Monday, March 14, 2011

What drives you?

I’d like to share with you some stumbling blocks in reaching our goals.

When reading this article, think of you driving a car, dumper or golf cart.  You are in control – driving your vehicle in a specific direction.  Just so in life we are all driven (guided, controlled or directed) by some force.  So what drives you?

The past, which is your best enemy?  Are you running away from regrets allowing the past, which can never be changed, drive you?  If so, allow the past to pass, learn from your mistakes, move on and focus on your future.  Quit wasting time on anger and resentment based on the past, you’re wasting valuable time – which in time you will also regret.  Best to remember that although you are a product of the past – you do not have to be its prisoners.

Are you driven by fear?   Fear is the greatest weapon with which to shoot yourself, never to rise again.  To be driven by fear is a guarantee that you will miss out on great opportunities.  Fear drives you to play it safe, preventing you to venture out and take risks.  Fear is a self imposed prison which stifles your growth by keeping you from exploring your own potential.

Is peer pressure - a cause of unnecessary stress, failure and disappointment - driving you?. Stop worrying about what others think, you’ll only lose yourself to the crowd.

No one knows the keys to success, but be assured that one key to failure is to be controlled by the opinions of others.  Be creative, understand the world around you, share your opinions and explore your abilities.

There are many other factors stifling our drive, and I hope that after reading this you will look ahead and grasp the opportunities that come your way. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

As unexplainable as fish falling from the sky...

When you think you are sick you will feel sick and most probably become sick.
So The Secret explains the power we hold to control our own lives.
The power to control our thoughts is a gift; use this gift of positive thoughts and it will attract positive things to your life…
I know, it is unexplainable as fish falling from the sky but I believe happiness can be guaranteed through this technique of life.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The selfish need of a lifelong dream…

In our struggle to keep everyone else in our lives happy I realised how often we neglect the things we actually enjoy doing.
We have all heard the excuses from the lack of time, energy or even money.
We end up lying to ourselves, persuading ourselves that we are happy but in true reality we strive for so much more.
Not only do we strive for the needs of human survival, safety, love and acceptance, but we end up putting aside our highest need of self-esteem, self-respect and self-actualization, to truly experience what we are capable of becoming.
It is as if we first want to master our most basic needs before we feel worthy of taking time out for ourselves.
I have stepped out of that mind set and finally done something I wanted to since I could remember.
I signed up for a dance class at Dance Domain in Montague Gardens last week and despite the hectic workload of study and work I attended my first two instructor classes. This was something completely new to me and then the reality struck me, I was missing out on the best part of my life, doing what I love to do!
Dancing has always been a great part of my life, it brings me immense amount of happiness giving me a positive outlook on life and instantly improved my self-esteem. Other than that dancing is a great opportunity to socialize and build strong relationships with new people, it definitely increase self-confidence and help build social skills. As any other exercise it reduces stress and tension while ensuring for good health.
Finally I can add onto my hobby list on my CV and show the world that we can truly be happy if we only listen to our inner needs.

What is the colour of the wind?

Have you ever found your thoughts lost in the air?
Only to realise you don’t know where your mind has been.
Have you ever heard the sounds of music from afar?
Blowing into your ears and not sure where the speakers are.
Have you ever tasted the smell of cooking?
Or the sea breeze carried by the wind.
Look up to the power of the wind!
Throw your feelings of worry and sadness into the air!
See how the wind takes it away, carried over the surface of the earth!
Look into the wavelengths of light and experience the winds visual sensations!
Feel its waves of energy, as its gentle breeze touching your skin!
Let it bring comfort to your sole and do not question its existence, moodiness and strength!
Open your senses to the thought, look, smell and taste of the wind,
Let those experiences paint the wind in the color of your sensations and subconscious feelings.
You hold the paintbrush to your own experience of the unique and unlimited color of the wind!