Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is all that you have, all that you know?

The past month has taught me that no worldly thing is forever. I realised how we as humans tend to cling to our possessions and how much value and control we give it over our lives. After 20 years living in the same house in Robertson, my parents decided to pack up and start their well deserved retirement years in Franskraal. They started packing and came to the realisation of how much clutter we had gathered over the years. Most of that clutter is really what made our house a home as it held some sentimental value to us.

Five years living in Cape Town, I still can’t call my house my home. Despite the move, Robertson has and will always be my home. It felt permanent, solid, safe and brought me comfort to know that there is always a place to fall back to. Now I can only cling to the memories of the irreplaceable times we had there. The house was never as permanent as I thought, but it is all I know as a home.   


  1. I won't know how that feels, as I never had to leave home ... yet! I think it is sad to leave something you love an cherish behind. Memories are in the end all we have. You will find yourself a place to call home soon and make your own memories, I am sure of that!


  2. I totally agree. I know how you feel Melissa. I was born in a small town Sabie where I grew up and matriculated. Everything I know and most of my memories were in that house and town. After school I moved to Stellenbosch and that same year my parents move to Joburg. I feel like a guest when visiting my parents and four years down the line I still do not have a place which I can call home.
