Monday, March 14, 2011

What drives you?

I’d like to share with you some stumbling blocks in reaching our goals.

When reading this article, think of you driving a car, dumper or golf cart.  You are in control – driving your vehicle in a specific direction.  Just so in life we are all driven (guided, controlled or directed) by some force.  So what drives you?

The past, which is your best enemy?  Are you running away from regrets allowing the past, which can never be changed, drive you?  If so, allow the past to pass, learn from your mistakes, move on and focus on your future.  Quit wasting time on anger and resentment based on the past, you’re wasting valuable time – which in time you will also regret.  Best to remember that although you are a product of the past – you do not have to be its prisoners.

Are you driven by fear?   Fear is the greatest weapon with which to shoot yourself, never to rise again.  To be driven by fear is a guarantee that you will miss out on great opportunities.  Fear drives you to play it safe, preventing you to venture out and take risks.  Fear is a self imposed prison which stifles your growth by keeping you from exploring your own potential.

Is peer pressure - a cause of unnecessary stress, failure and disappointment - driving you?. Stop worrying about what others think, you’ll only lose yourself to the crowd.

No one knows the keys to success, but be assured that one key to failure is to be controlled by the opinions of others.  Be creative, understand the world around you, share your opinions and explore your abilities.

There are many other factors stifling our drive, and I hope that after reading this you will look ahead and grasp the opportunities that come your way. 

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