Monday, August 22, 2011

I wish I knew how it would feel to be free...

I wish I can break all the chains and say all the things that I want to say - say them load, say them clear for the whole wide world to hear!
I wish I could remove all the thoughts that keep us apart and share all the love that’s in my heart!
I wish I could be a bird in the sky, how sweet it would be, if I can find I can fly! I will soar to the sun, and come back down to sea just to feel how it would be, to be free!
Keeping the lyricks to this song by Lighthouse Family close to my heart while dreaming of freedom from the shackles of earthly things holding me down.

The backdoor is not an option...

Why settle for anything less. When you are committed to a goal there should be no other way than forward, to achieve that goal. There will definitely be hard times but just when you think you have reached the end of the road another door will open.
Success does not come easy; it’s a battle of knowledge, experience, commitment and passion that determines the end result. How much are you willing to push forward? Even if it is taking smaller steps during the up hills, the backdoor should never be an option!

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea

An idea is a creative seed planted in the minds of people. It gives humans the power to think innovatively as a unique human being. Each idea holds value to any person or organisation and it is what sets one person aside from another. Ideas can be generated looking differently at something and challenging the mind to see it in your own way. The different option is not always the correct option so it takes many good ideas to implement a great idea! Challenge your mind constantly to generate ideas – read the newspaper every morning and for all the negative topics, find a solution to correct the situation, this is a great exercise to challenge your way of thought and to eliminate the dangers of having only one idea.

Loving the imperfect man perfectly

The search for the perfect man is one of the most challenging tasks in life that is very much out of our control.  What is it that you value in life and what are you looking for in a man? From most love stories we find that love really finds us, how will you see it when it comes your way?
Even though no one is perfect I do believe there is a perfect man for every woman to make the perfect match. Someone you can bring out the best in and who can bring the best out of you.
Sometimes it takes a few wrong love decisions to meet the perfect man but holding on to your morals and your dreams can guide you in your way. Stay open minded and don’t settle for anything less than your “perfect love”! 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Have you figured out the second head fake yet?

Have you figured out the second head fake yet? “It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you,” taken from the book The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch.
How do I lead my life, how can I define my character, where am I heading and how am I planning to get there…?
Let’s focus on the reality that we do not always know the right way, yes we take chances, and based our decisions, we trust in the faith of our Lord, a higher power who will guide our lives to accomplish our life goals.
How I see it is - if that what we do are done for God, all that is done will be for good, and good will be given in return. It really is not about the “how to achieve the dream” but rather how to lead the everyday life the right way that bring the dream to you!

How hard is it to follow instructions?

How hard do you want to make it for yourself? Instructions can only be followed when it is properly understood, therefore, do not be ashamed to ask questions when you are unsure of something.
Empower yourself, understand the task at hand and what your responsibility will include, use the detailed direction or procedure given by the instructor and follow them!  
How much harder do you want to make it?